Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New (Ruby-throated) Backyard Visitor...

Last summer, in early June, I was sitting in my back yard, and I noticed a large bug-like creature near some flowering plants. To my astonishment, it was a Ruby Throated Hummingbird! I quickly went to Canadian Tire to pick up a feeder in hopes that it would stay... It did! I would almost say that this RTH hung out all summer, stopping by probably ever 30 minutes ... how wonderful! I live in central Windsor for goodness sake.

I read on the Ojibway Park updates that the Humingbirds are back, so I filled my old feeder with 1:4 sugar:water.  So today when I got back work, and it was so nice, I had a beer on my back porch. As I talked to my wife, I noted the tell tail bumble bee flight pattern of my Ruby Throated Summer visitor! YES!!!

Since the hummingbirds were visiting every 15-30 minutes, I hung a black t-shirt behind my feeder and shot the above photo. I also shot this photo (below) at Ojibway. It was perched on a tree near the visitor center.

Happy Birding!

1 comment:

  1. I find that the Holiday Weekend offers the most variety of species if you are willing to take the time to look around. Of course, the weather has to co-operate! So, there are still lots of birds to see.
    St. Clair NWA is one of the best places to find Least Bitterns. Usually American Bitterns will always be there as well. It is on Townline Rd. between Belle Rose Line and Heron Line SW of Grande Pointe.
    I used to go there all the time in my earlier years and was never disappointed. It is not as good as it used to be for birds though.



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