Thursday, May 23, 2024

Science Writer Becomes a Birdwatcher - CBC the Current Podcast

This is a 20 Minute interview with a Science Journalist who fell in love with birdwatching. I shared this here as I thought many readers might enjoy this 20-minute talk --- its always interesting to hear about birding from another perspective. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Golden-Winged Warbler + Olive Sided Flycatcher - May 12th Ojibway Park

This morning, I was heading out toward Black Oak Herritage Park and I was driving along the northern boundary of the Ojibway Park Forest. I drove slowly, listening for anything interesting - and sure enough, a Golden Winged was singing his heart out!

Later at Black Oak Heritage Park , an adjacent park that I like to frequent - I had a decent morning --- one of my highlights was an Olive-sided Flycatcher!

Both of these birds are sadly becoming more and more endangered, at risk. 

On Saturday, I had attempted to bird at Point Pelee for a bit. Someone had reported a Cerulean Warbler in Cactus Field - and sure enough, it was being seen by many upon arrival. Another Highlight was seeing some Hummingbirds nectar from Eastern Redbud Tree Blooms. 

Its the most beautiful time of year. 

Good birding,



I took tonnes of photos of the Cerulean Warbler here - but sadly, my White balance was set to "indoor" so the colours are not the best.  Still - this is not bad for 25m away and 20 meters up.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Northern Lights in Windsor ON - May 10th 2024

At about 10pm - Friday May 10th 2024, I received an alert from the Point Pelee Birding Group about Northern Lights being visible in Leamington (not to be confused with the fusia grow lights light pollution).... And to my utter amazement - I went outside and looked up to see a stunning band of green colour across the sky.

This was one of my buck list items and to think of the chances of me witnessing this. A 1-in-20 year solar storm, solar particles flying through space for 150,000,000 km, and a clear sky, between 9:30 and 11pm (dark waking hours).... the chances are incredible. Luckily with tech , I was given a warning by some keen observers via whatsapp. 

I quickly attempted to drive out to the county (mcgregor) to get darkers skies, but --- by the time I made it out there, the show was fading out and coming to an end. I didn't realize this show would be so fleeting and in hindsight, I should have stayed put and just enjoyed the show from my yard.

Nature , natural history, astronomy are so incredible to behold. I would argue that its the greatest show on earth. I was simply happy to be a humble witness to this incredible phenomena. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker + Birds, Beer Cans & Burgers


I had a great look at a pair of Yellow bellied Sapsuckers today. A sexually dimorphic pair - male and female. 


Now - you might be asking about the strange title of this posting. Am I suggesting to drink and bird. Or to birdwatch inebriated? No. I just noted recently that there are beer cans and bottles all over the place and --- I wonder if anyone ever bothers to pick them up.

I have a little box in the trunk of my car, and - (this may be silly) - but I have been picking up littered beer cans and my goal is -- to make a 10x10 grid of beer cans. That would be worth $10! What could you buy with an extra ten dollars every month or so?  A burger perhaps?

This was a camp fire someone left some beers at. These cans, along with others nearby make a loonie when returned to your local beer store. Kids seem to leave beer cans near natural areas. I picked these up. I think I could easily fill up a box with beer cans like this.


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