Monday, August 26, 2024

Olive Sided Flycatcher, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks and Stuff

Olive Sided Flycatcher @ South Cameron Woodlot in Windsor ON

I have been trying to "birdwatch" in my backyard for the last few days --- and its been really good! For late August and the whole month of September - I have come to find that there are usually a few warblers in my back hedgerow behind my house. My yard list is growing! This gorgeous Olive sided Flycatcher caught my interest, mid-afternoon, when it was flycatching off a dying White Oak behind my house. It was an unmistakable ID. It was neat to see it catch bugs and then eat them while I was sitting on my back porch. 

Edit: This bug might be the famous "Giant Ichneumon Wasp" (long ovipositor)

Some neat birds seen over the last 3 days:
Monday Aug 26th:   Bobolink (new bird to yard list), Olive Sided Flycather. Least Flycatcher
Sunday Aug 25th:  Tennessee & Nashville Warblers, Least Flycatcher, Ruby throated Hummingbird
Saturday Aug 24th: Cape May Warbler, Warbling Vireos, Least Flycatcher, Baltimore Oriole


Female Bobolink - a new yard bird!

Nashville Warbler

Cape May Warbler 

A while back, I had made a few attempts to photograph Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. Using star-mapping software --- I was able to find it. You start by finding brighter nearby stars, then star-hop until you get an exposure of the comet. This photo has the comet in the center of the frame but only appears as a tiny fuzzy blur. 

Some Neat butterflies that I had seen this summer - Zabulon Skipper and Horrace's Duskywing were seen which was really nice.  These photos below are not about a month old. It was neat to see two broods for Zabulon Skippers. 

Zabulon Skipper

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail nectaring on Dense Blazingstar

Horraces' Duskywing - Seen at the Ojibway Tallgrass Prairie

Good Birding & Butterfly Watching!

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