Saturday, February 3, 2018

Townsend's Solitaire at Point Pelee + Backyard Bald Eagle?

This morning as I was about to sit down and do some online course-work, I noted an email that said "Townsend's Solitaire". I almost hit delete on the email - assuming that it was a sighting near Toronto, Hamilton or Ottawa... but no - It was posted by a great local birder - Kory Renaud. I was in shock because well - I wasn't obligated to work while reading about a great local sighting!

Long story short - I twitched the bird at Pelee. It was super easy to find. A small group of birders (Kory, Rick and the Como Girls) were standing right in front of the Point Pelee visitor center entrance. It was almost too easy to see this bird! I soon left the VC (after warming up a little) and walked all the way down Shuster Trail to the East Beach. I needed the walk.

This is my first Townsend's Solitaire in Ontario -- but it is not a lifer. I had seen this bird in Sisters Oregon at the Dean Hale Woodpecker -- see this link if you care to see part 1 of 4 for that trip:

A recent sighting that I made for my backyard is this Bald Eagle below. I was sitting down two weeks ago to eat my breakfast when I saw this GIANT raptor land into the treeline behind my house (adjacent to South Cameron Woodlot in Windsor ON). There are typically at least a pair of Red tailed Hawks that breed locally around, but I could tell this bird was different. I tried to snap a few photos of it --- but the best views are of the bird as it took off 15 minutes later. I took this series of shots from my son's bedroom while wearing my pajamas.  Not a bad bird for the old yard list ! (pajamas list?)!

Winter will be gone in 1.5 months... We can do this....

Good birding!

1 comment:

  1. Nice bird for your Ontario list! Pelee did not fit into my itinerary today. Thanks for the message by the way.



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