Sunday, May 12, 2024

Golden-Winged Warbler + Olive Sided Flycatcher - May 12th Ojibway Park

This morning, I was heading out toward Black Oak Herritage Park and I was driving along the northern boundary of the Ojibway Park Forest. I drove slowly, listening for anything interesting - and sure enough, a Golden Winged was singing his heart out!

Later at Black Oak Heritage Park , an adjacent park that I like to frequent - I had a decent morning --- one of my highlights was an Olive-sided Flycatcher!

Both of these birds are sadly becoming more and more endangered, at risk. 

On Saturday, I had attempted to bird at Point Pelee for a bit. Someone had reported a Cerulean Warbler in Cactus Field - and sure enough, it was being seen by many upon arrival. Another Highlight was seeing some Hummingbirds nectar from Eastern Redbud Tree Blooms. 

Its the most beautiful time of year. 

Good birding,



I took tonnes of photos of the Cerulean Warbler here - but sadly, my White balance was set to "indoor" so the colours are not the best.  Still - this is not bad for 25m away and 20 meters up.

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