Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mid April Migrants + Foul Mouthed Botanist

Every year at this time, I go into "birding mode". I try to go outside and enjoy the milder temps and witness the spring migration! 

Amazingly - Its only May 15th --- and  I have seen May-Apple plants in full bloom at Ojibway--- perhaps a month earlier than normal! This is not a good thing. Trees are leafing out already as well. 

Some birds seen so far have included a nice Hermit Thrush, several Yellow rumped Warblers, a few Ruby crowned Kinglets,  Yellow bellied Sapsuckers (my favorites!) and a few Pine Warblers! I can't say I've seen an Eastern Phoebe yet! Hopefully soon!

I was proud of myself, I was a Malden Park this afternoon and picked out the Pine Warblers by their singing. I'm slowly learning some of these calls!

Good Birding!


3-Minute Video --- The Foul Mouthed Botanist


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