Over the last few weeks, I have enjoyed birding, just in my back yard - watching the fall migration take place.
On weekends in September - I had observed a few large kettles of hawks fly overhead.
Over the last two weekends, I was able to find at least one Orange Crowned Warbler in the hedgerow behind my house.
I have seen Lincoln's Sparrows in my back yard
Back in August, even had a new lifer butterfly - a Zabulon Skipper - which I have never seen until this year.
But over the last day or two --- a level 5 rarity showed up just minutes away from my home in Windsor. I could almost ride my bike to see this bird -- a Tropical Kingbird! I feel I have seen these birds during my trip to South East Arizona - so its not a lifer for me - but still- its a great bird to behold - especially if one lives in Windsor.
Good Birding!