Friday, August 6, 2010

Ojibway Walk... One of the best this year

I walked two local areas today, The St Clair College Forest and Ojibway Park. I was intending on going to Point Pelee, but I just couldn't metally justify two hours of driving today.

I have read on Ebird recently that Carolina Wren and Red Eyed Vireo was at St Clair College, so I went a few times lately and yes... heard the song of the Red Eyed Vireo ("Here I am (pause) Where are you? (pause)"). The forest there is pretty impressive. It is lush and wild. There were about 4 unique mushrooms growing on the path that I've never seen before. There were bugs and spiders everywhere. Mosquitos galore. I had to carry a walking stick to break down all the spiderwebs that crossed the path. It was birdy as well.

Red Eyed Vireo
Finally, I photographed this Red Eyed Vireo. I just can't seem to get a decent photo of this bird. It resides in the tree tops and seldom comes into easy view. I've read that this species is abudant but in decline. Its a common host of the Brown Headed Cowbird. Other birds I saw at St Clair include:

St Clair College

Indigo Bunting
Tufted Titmouse
Red Eyed Vireo
American Goldfinch
House Wren
Black Capped Chickadee
Grey Catbird
Downy Woodpecker
Ruby Throated Humingbird

Then I went to Ojibway and for some reason, had an **incredible** birding walk. It was just one of those days that I saw the whole gammut of birds that graces this wonderful place. Furthermore, I saw a Red Headed Woodpecker pair! I saw two birds going from tree to tree, they were large and had white/black bottoms. I was thinking they were Yellow Billed Cuckoos. But no, they were Red Headed Woodpeckers! INCREDIBLE!

I saw Indigo Bunting easily today, then Eastern Bluebirds easily as well. You have to look and listen for them but they are very present in the Ojibway Prarie area. I saw Downy, Red Bellied Woodpeckers as well. Eastern Towhee were singing "You Are.... cheap cheap cheap" (I think it says that because my lens does not have a red ring around it (Canon L lens). Regarding butterfly watching, I saw GSF, Comma, and Common Buckeye butterflies as well, for the second time in my life (and the first time outside of Point Pelee). At one point I observed two Silver Spotted Skippers mating. I saw Eastern Wood Pewees, Tufted Titmouse... it really was incredible today.

Ojibway Park

Red headed Woodpecker
Red bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Bluebird (I saw many today somehow in various molts)
Indigo Bunting
House Wren
Baltimore Oriole
Eastern Kingbird
Blue Jay
Eastern Towhee
Cedar Waxwing
Tufted Titmouse
Eastern Wood Pewee
American Goldfinch
Northern Cardinal
Grey Catbird

Overall, it was an Incredible Walk today. Besides the Red Headed Woodpecker, there are no major discoveries, but it was really nice how just one after another they made their appearance.

Out of focus Towhee
I walked the forest after I walked the prarie, and really did not see much today on the path I took. I was hoping to see a Carolina Wren, but that didn't happen today.

Good birding,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun walk! I wish I could get down that way more often.
    Thanks for posting about the happenings around Ojibway.



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