Sunday, February 16, 2025

Birding in Phoenix AZ --- Mid February 2025


Say's Phoebe

Hey All, I attended a wedding in Phoenix AZ over the last three days - and thought I would share some birding highlights. I was in Phoenix with my family and even my dad for 3 days, 2 nights.  I think any birder in eastern north america needs to put a trip to Arizona on their birding bucket list. Its a completely different ecosystem from the Carolinian Life Zone that spoils us with our most common species. The gorgeous mountains along the horizon are stunning. Arizona is also the hummingbird capital of the US - with 14 species

I found one life bird --- a Costa's Hummingbird quite easily at my first birdwatching destination. A few other (potential lifers) that had been seen lately at the rio-salada center were golden-crowned sparrow and grey hawk - an accipiter of the SW'ern US. 

Costa's Hummingbird

Below I list out 3 locations I birded in the three days I was in Phoenix:

Desert Botany Garden (Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona | DBG)

Costa's Hummingbird

Curve billed Thrasher

Cactus Wren

Marine Blue Butterfly

Rio Salada - Audubon Center Rio Salado Audubon Center )

Anna's Hummingbird

Audubon's Yellow Rumped Warbler

Say's Phoebe

Black Phoebe

Gambel's Quail

Black tailed Gnatcatcher

Base and Meridian Wildlife Area Base and Meridian Wildlife Area — Maricopa Audubon Society

Anna's Hummingbird

Road Runner

Cinnamon Teal

Harris's Hawk

Road Runner --- Running across the road.

This is my second time to the beautiful state of Arizona.  I had gone a few years back to SE Arizona a few years ago listed out in a 7-series blog posting. See this link for blog posting 5 of 7 Nerdy for Birdy: Part 5 of 7 - Birding Cave Creek Canyon - Portal AZ

Good Birding!


Lifer Summary (last 5 life birds):

Black crested Titmouse (TX) 466
Snowy Plover (TX) 467
Neotropical Cormorant (TX) 468
White tailed Kite (TX) 469
Least Grebe (TX) 470
Bachman's Sparrow (FL) 471
Costa's Hummingbird (AZ) 472


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