Over the last month or two - I've been working on a home renovation project (basement project video 1, 2 ) - which has prevented me from doing more natural history exploration. Work and coaching obligations have piled up as well but even still - I have had some interesting highlights:
Little Yellow Butterfly - at McGeechy Pond near Erieau Ontario.

King Rail - new life bird. I have read about this endangered bird on so many occasions over the last ten years of birding - so to finally cross paths with one was very special. This photo below shows a juvenile bird. I left the area soon after seeing this bird so as to not disturb it. What a special part of our great lakes wetland ecosystem habitat and natural history. Hopefully more wetlands can be restored and give this species a chance at not becoming extirpated or worse - extinct.
Bottle Gentian - Seen while walking though Ojibway Tallgrass Prairie (provincial reserve). I looked for Fringed Gentian this year but did not find a single specimen.
Great Plains Ladies Tresses - Great story here - I had posted a photo of this species to Inaturalist a few years ago, and I had assumed I was photographing the more common nodding laddies tresses. I was informed that the great plains tresses species has a nice vanilla smell - and with this sighting - I was able to make note of the scent.
Swamp White Oak - I was at a playground on Windsor's east end with my kids and we walked through a short pathway that dissected a tiny forested area. One Oak tree had its branches hanging over the pathway and I plucked a leaf from the branch - I was interested in identifying the leaf by using I naturalist.

Black throated Green Warbler - Side on a sidewalk - most definitely caused by a window strike.
Two interesting articles / videos:
- Conservative Government in Ontario reduces environmental restrictions for gravel mines: https://ontarionature.org/pits-and-quarries
- Youtube video: 10 reasons why birding is awesome https://youtu.be/4QsDG_JyVXA
Good Birding, Botanizing and Naturing
Life List Update
Western Screech Owl 453 (AZ)
Scaled Quail 454 (AZ)
Graces Warbler 455 (AZ)
Painted Redstart 456 (AZ)
Yellow Eyed Junco 457 (AZ)
Blue throated Hummingbird 458 (AZ)
Elegant Trogon 459 (AZ)
King Rail 460