Looking back at this year was somewhat lack-luster ---- both with my birding attempts at Pelee and in my own backyard. I did travel a little this year, visiting Miami Florida, New Brunswick and Belleville Ontario.
I did get a chance to see two different Olive sided Flycatchers in the hedgerow behind my house. A top highlight at Pelee was finding Praire Warbler on two separate occasions in May this year. In April - (April 19th) -, I had a surprisingly early Great Crested Flycatcher (link).
April 18th 2024 - Great Crested Flycatcher |
Seeing a Southern Dogface butterfly at Point Pelee this summer was pretty amazing. I had seen them in the southern US before but did not fully come to appreciate their field marks. Another butterfly highlight from this year was seeing a Fiery Skipper in my yard, and a few more in the hedgerow behind my house. Seeing many Zabulon Skippers around the Ojibway Park complex was really neat as well. A single Horace's Duskywing was a nice find as well. Finally - I almost forgot about a chance sighting of some European Blue butterflies seen in downtown Toronto this summer as well.
Botany wise - I did not have too many highlights. One thought that comes to mind was finding a mid-May Orchid species that I am not aware of being seen previously - a Shining Ladies Tresses Orchid at Ojibway park. To my knowledge - this species has not been identified at Ojibway - so my sighting might be a first!(* after checking Inat - yes, another was seen outside the park ).
Astronomy was pretty exciting for me this year with some great / rare sightings which included a Solar Eclipse, Northern Lights, and three comets.
So - each year brings with it an interesting mix of chance sightings. I still really enjoy birding and naturalizing. I enjoy blogging and reading many of the great blogs in the blog-o-sphere. Its boxing day as I write this so wishing you all belated Christmas Greetings, belated Winter Solstice greetings, and Wishing you all a great new year for 2025.
Yours in Nature,